Pro Hemp Supply takes pride as a trusted source of cannabinoids and does not wish to be represented by or with any other company in any form without direct permissions.
- Pro Hemp Supply trademarks, Pro Hemp Supply logo, may only be used as provided in these guidelines or with Pro Hemp Supply’s permission.
- You may not use or register, or otherwise claim rights to any Pro Hemp Supply trademarks, including as or as part of any trademark, service mark, company name, trade name, username or domain registration.
- Do not use Pro Hemp Supply trademarks for anything that would be inconsistent with Pro Hemp Supply terms or Community Guidelines.
- We may revoke permission to use Pro Hemp Supply trademarks at any time.
- Pro Hemp Supply reserves the right to withhold approval of content if it’s inconsistent with the Pro Hemp Supply brand and or Company.
- Pro Hemp Supply images and content are to be used only by Pro Hemp Supply and Affiliates/Marketers with permission.